CONDITIONS OF USE (Hire of hall constitutes acceptance of these conditions and the Fire and H&S risk Assessments below. Please contact the bookings secretary if you do not accept the terms and conditions as set out below and she will cancel your booking)
Payment shall be made prior to your event unless otherwise agreed with the Bookings Secretary Sandra Price 07976622654 or sandrajaneprice@gmail.com
· by cash or cheque (made out to Edstaston Village Hall) to the Treasurer: Mrs A Thomas Field House Edstaston SY4 5RF
· or by BACS: Sort code 08-92-99 Account name EDSTASTON VILLAGE HALL Account number 67187856 -
During the period of hire the hirer of the Edstaston Village Hall shall make every effort to safeguard the property. All breakages that occur during the period that the hirer has the Edstaston Village Hall shall be paid for by the hirer.
The hirer shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any licenses or permissions required by law to use the Edstaston Village Hall. For further information go to www.shropshire.gov.uk/licensing/alcohol-and-entertainment-licences/temporary-event-notices/
The Edstaston Village Hall Committee accepts no liability for injury or death, except where caused by the negligence of the Committee or its servants or agents, or damage to property which occurs at the Village Hall (including any car parks or gardens) whilst it is in the possession of the hirer.
The hirer shall ensure the Village Hall is left in the condition it was let. A charge of £15.00 per hour will be levied for any cleaning or clearing up which takes our caretaker more than 1 hour after an event. If the hirer needs to return on the morning following the event for clearing up purposes this MUST be arranged at the time of booking the hall.
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Any personal information given by hirers of the hall will only be used for accounting and administration of the hire of the hall and will not be used for marketing purposes.